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Friday, January 9, 2009

Then & Now - Tippi Hedren

Nathalie Kay 'Tippi' Hedren (born January 19, 1930) is an American actress with a career spanning six decades. She is primarily known for her roles in two Alfred Hitchcock films, The Birds and Marnie, and her extensive efforts in animal rescue at Shambala Preserve, an 80-acre wildlife habitat which she founded in 1983. Hedren is the mother of actress Melanie Griffith, and they share credits on six films, notably Pacific Heights (1990).


  1. Good Jebus, but the lipstick and hair must go. Softer is better with all that wrinkly skin. My humble opinion, of course.

  2. It's amazing what some women do to themselves "trying" to regain that elusive je ne sais qua.

  3. Truly sad. Inevitable, but none-the-less sad.


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