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Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Group That I Recently Discovered

Era is a New Age music project by French composer Eric Lévi. Era mixes Gregorian chants with contemporary electronic arrangements and is reminiscent to the Enigma music project. The band has sold more than 10 million albums.

Most of Era lyrics are written in Pseudo-Latin and based on beliefs of the XIII century French christian sect, the Cathars. Era's live shows and music videos often feature vocalists dressed in medieval or traditional clothes and armor.

In 1998 Era caused a sensation that has not been forgotten. It pointed at a trend towards spiritual and mystical music - music that could be and should be interpreted by everyone in his own way.

Opinions about Era are very different. Everyone has his own feelings and sensibility and not everyone could let this music come into his heart. Most people look at connections with music such as Enigma, Gregorian etc. and do not see the magic world Era leads in.

1 comment:

  1. I will have one of those slide shows in a few days featuring one of my favorite songs by Era.


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