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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ryan O'Neal is Basically Not a Good Person

During Farah Fawcett's last days, Ryan O'Neal did everything he could to remain in the spotlight, granting daily interviews, updating the media, and publicly mourning his long time partner as much as possible. Now that she's in the ground, he's going to have to figure out a new technique to stay in the news. Unfortunately, more info coming out unsurprisingly casts him in a Joe Jackson Light, flourishing off the attention cast on Fawcett's illness. Remember, the two had a pretty tumultuous relationship: guns were pulled, cops were called, accusations of spousal abuse. Fawcett tended to be infatuated with that sort of relationship: her ex-husband, Lee Majors, also had a rather violent history with her.

It seems that while cameras were allowed into Fawcett's funeral on Tuesday, O'Neal's own son Griffin, who drove 300 miles to attend, wasn't. Griffin, 44, insisted Fawcett would have wanted him at the funeral, informing Extra that his dad is, essentially, 'a bad guy'. Isn't it so nice to watch a bunch of people who have been culturally irrelevant for years bask in the glory of a deceased cancer victim? Everyone grants interviews! Long gone are the days when people want to mourn and remember with close family and friends. Let's usher in the Lindsay Lohan way of coping with tragedy: selling your story to a tabloid.

Author: Sabrina Brody


  1. More to follow, I'm sure.

  2. Yeah, but he plays Temperance's dad on Bones, and he is such a likeable character in that role ....

  3. Indeed he is, but I see that you are still unable to separate fiction from reality.

  4. Let us not forget, he has health issues as well. I love him on Bones! And Billy Gibbons!


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