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Friday, June 5, 2009

10,000 B.C. (2008) - Rating


1.0 Stars

You rated this movie: 1.0 stars
Average of 802,732 ratings: 3.1 stars

Historical Inaccuracies

Domestication of Horses- approx. 4000BC
English Language- approx. 500 AD
Primitive Boats- 3000 BC
Boats that Remotely Resemble Ones in Movie- 1100 BC
Egyptian Civilization- 3150 BC
Globe- after 650 BC
Globes with America (im not sure if I actually saw it but Im pretty positive I did): 1507
Globes with accurately drawn America: 1770

This movie= fail.


  1. The wooden acting, the bad dialogue, the extravagantly illogical special effects and the incredibly bizarre-looking female lead was painful to watch.

  2. There were some parts that were CGI; wooly mammoths, giant ostrich-type creatures and elephants near the end. Other than that, about 80% non-CGI.


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