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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

And While We're On The Subject


  1. Did you hear that? It dilutes the active ingredient UNTIL IT BASICALLY IS NOT THERE!

    If you are one of those morons that actually think that this works, I have a bridge to sell you. Better yet! Send me $25 and I will pray for you! That's right...imagine an atheist praying for you and how much THAT would be worth! Think of what power that will have! God will say, "Wow! An atheist praying??? I'll just HAVE to answer THAT prayer!" Special offer! Respond in the next 24 hours and you can have my prayers for the special price of only $24.99! That's right! Hurry!

  2. I HATE the commercial. Rub Roll-On and it would probably work the same.


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