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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Feds Investigating John Edwards' Use of Campaign Funds

RALEIGH, N.C. -- Failed presidential candidate John Edwards, whose political action committee paid more than $100,000 to his mistress' company, acknowledged Sunday that federal investigators were looking into how he handled his campaign funds.

But the former North Carolina senator said he was confident no money was used improperly.

Edwards' political action committee has been under scrutiny for making payments to a woman with whom he had an affair. Edwards admitted the affair with Rielle Hunter in August after months of denying tabloid reports about the relationship.

"I am confident that no funds from my campaign were used improperly," Edwards said in the statement. "However, I know that it is the role of government to ensure that this is true. We have made available to the United States both the people and the information necessary to help them get the issue resolved efficiently and in a timely matter."

Edwards' statement was first reported by The News Observer of Raleigh.

His political action committee paid Hunter's firm $100,000 for video production in a four-month span in 2006, and then paid an additional $14,086.50 on April 1, 2007. At the time, the PAC only had $7,932.95 in cash on hand, according to records filed with the Federal Election Commission.

That same day, according to the records, Edwards' presidential campaign paid the PAC $14,034.61 for what is listed as a "furniture purchase."

U.S. Attorney George Holding has declined to comment and said he won't confirm or deny an investigation.

Willfully converting money from a political action committee for personal is a federal crime.


  1. I hope that they burn his ass. Once a liar to that degree, always a liar.

  2. Agreed. But how did Bill Clinton get away with lying under oath? No wonder our youth are so messed up.

  3. Semantics. Clinton publicly stated, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." In his Paula Jones deposition, he swore, "I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. I've never had an affair with her." Months later, Clinton admitted that his relationship with Lewinsky was "wrong" and "not appropriate." In fact, Ms. Lewinsky engaged in oral sex with Clinton on several occasions. Some don't consider oral sex the same as sexual relations.


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